WHITE STONE MINISTRIES is an international Christian non-profit organization dedicated to developing homes for orphans, vulnerable children, and children needing refuge from traffickers. In Mexico, White Stone’s children’s home is named Casa Esperanza de Acuña, located in Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico, directly across the border from Del Rio, Texas.
Our ministry is growing. We are seeking a bilingual couple to serve as the Directors of Casa Esperanza, children’s home. The Directors must have a passion and an anointing to minister to children.
Currently, we are able to house up to 50 children, depending upon the ratio of boys to girls. Our scriptural mandate is to love, nurture, and care for children who are orphaned, abandoned, abused, and neglected by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional, and social needs so that they might overcome their life circumstances by experiencing the joy of a life found in Jesus.
The Directors will have the responsibility to oversee the well-being and development of all the children within White Stone’s residential program, including spiritual, educational, physical, and emotional development.
This is a full-time, live-in position. A new three bedroom house plus all utilities is provided. A salary is also provided.
Candidates should possess a strong Christian faith with a verifiable history of involvement in both the local church and/or missions. Candidate should be able to supply references addressing gifts, talents, and character. Candidate should also provide, via work history and references, a proven heart for the “least of these” through service, time, and resources.
Applicants should send a resume and cover letter outlining how they meet the specific requirements of the position to drron@whitestonekids.org.
Please be sure to highlight the following in your cover letter or resume:
Explain a little why you feel led to serve cross-culturally with orphans and vulnerable children.
What cross-cultural experiences have you had?
What background, special skills, and ministry experience do you have to tell about your faith journey/personal testimony?
Any other information that you may consider important.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Dr. Sherman at: drron@whitestonekids.org